Shanin Abreu found a Virginia Rail along the Deer Island Trail at Evergreen Lake. On April 24, I went there to see if I could relocate it, and it gave me quite a show, walking all around me, while I stood still taking photos. This bird was a lifer for me.
I went back to the same spot the next evening with Carrie, hoping that she would also be able to see the Virginia Rail. The Soras were calling and the rail was cooperative again. While we were watching the rail, a Sandhill Crane flew over. I was able to snap a quick photo, which did not turn out very well, but this was a new county bird for me and a new state bird for Carrie.
After the Sandhill Crane flew over, Les Allen, Dale Birkenholz, and Angelo Capparella showed up. Angelo heard a Prairie Warbler, which was another lifer for both Carrie and me.
And we were able to help them locate the Virginia Rail.
While trying to get another look at the Prairie Warbler, I heard some Marsh Wrens singing. What a nice evening we all had together with some great birds.
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