On April 26, Joe Phipps and I went to Funks Grove to look for a Yellow-throated Warbler. This species likes to nest in sycamore trees so we drove to the bridge by the cemetery and hiked along the creek to the sycamores on both sides of the bridge, but we were unable to hear or see any Yellow-throated Warblers. We did, however, see both species of waterthrush--Northern and Louisiana. Next we tried the sycamores on both sides of the bridge next to Sudden Impact Paintball. To our delight, we saw three Yellow-throated Warblers, and at least two of them were singing.
Later that morning, we went to Angler's Pond in Bloomington where we found an Osprey.
Late in the afternoon, Shanin Abreu found a pair of Marbled Godwits in a flooded field I had been checking South of Gridley. I was able to relocate them the same evening--another county and state bird!
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