Tuesday, October 9, 2012

McLean County Black-bellied Plovers and Dunlin

Black-bellied Plover at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 01

Sunday night Matthew Winks texted me, saying there was a Dunlin on the East side of Evergreen Lake along the shore near the Deer Island Trail. I needed Dunlin as a county bird so I drove to Evergreen yesterday morning before work. I could not find the Dunlin, but I found two Black-bellied Plovers, at least 13 Pectoral Sandpipers, 4 Lesser Yellowlegs, and a Least Sandpiper. Below are pictures I took of the two Black-bellied Plovers. Both birds were clearly identifiable by their thick bills and the black patches underneath their wings, which were exposed when they flew.

Black-bellied Plover at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 04

Black-bellied Plover at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 03

I returned after work yesterday to try for the Dunlin again. The Black-bellied Plovers were still there.

Black-bellied Plover at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 12

Black-bellied Plover at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 11

Also present were 4-5 yellowlegs and about 18 Pectoral Sandpipers.

Pectoral Sandpiper at Evergreen Lake in McLean County

I found the Dunlin, but a group of about 20 Turkey Vultures flew over and startled the birds before I could get any good photos.

Turkey Vulture at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 04

Eventually, I was able to pick the Dunlin out from the Pecs and take some decent identification photos.

Black-bellied Plover and Dunlin at Evergreen Lake in McLean County

Dunlin at Evergreen Lake in McLean County 05

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos! I also saw a black-bellied plover yesterday, though "mine" was at Lake Decatur. They do look quite different from surrounding sandpipers, don't they? I always like it when the ID is easy! There's also been an American avocet at the north marsh area of Clinton Lake recently, in case you need one of those.
