On the way from Evergreen to work, I noticed this pair sharing carcasses with Turkey Vultures in a freshly harvested corn field East of Lake Bloomington.
On the 15th, I returned and managed to photograph a couple of other Sparrow species in the favored corner such as this Song Sparrow and adult and juvenile White-crowned Sparrows shown below.
Other Sparrows present included Field, White-throated, Savannah, and of course Swamp Sparrows galore! When I returned on the 17th, I found this Greater Yellowlegs feeding along the shore.
Also present were several waterfowl species including a Northern Pintail, nine Northern Shovelers, and a single teal. I drove around the lake to see if I could happen upon anything else, and I did. I saw this Bald Eagle soaring low near the water pump station.