Yesterday, on my way to work, I saw a huge bird sitting on top of a telephone pole across the road from Merwin Nature Preserve in McLean County. It was definitely too large to be a Red-tailed Hawk. I looked so monstrous on top of the pole. When I got another look, I realized it was an immature Bald Eagle. I'm guessing it was a second year bird.
I continued driving, and about a mile South of Gridley, I saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop down and capture a European Starling. When I pulled up beside the hawk, which was only a few feet from the road, it just stared at me like my dog does when he wants to eat and wants me to leave him alone. He tried to take of with the starling, but could only hop. He eyed his prey, but waited until I drove away to begin consuming the starling. I'm not sure if the starling was quite dead at first. Notice how it's bill is closed initially, but later opens.
Also, two days ago, I was visiting El Paso Sewage Treatment Center in Woodford County when I saw an American Kestrel mobbing a Northern Harrier.