Yesterday, I went to Ewing Park to see what migrants were passing through. I ran into Wes Kolb and Marty Greenham, and we birded together. I also saw Given Harper, who was leading a group from Illinois Wesleyan, Paula Aschim, and Tim Garvey.
I had ten warbler species: Blue-winged, Black-and-white, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Yellow, Palm, Yellow-rumped, and Black-throated Green.
Here are a few shots of the Blue-winged. There were at least two Blue-winged Warblers, and they were both frequently singing.

The two Black-throated Green Warblers were also singing, when I photographed them.

There were at least three Blackburnian Warblers.

This Magnolia Warbler was a special treat.

Here is a shot of the Yellow Warbler.

Wes saw a waterthrush. While Marty, Wes, and I were trying to relocate it, we saw this female Purple Finch drinking from the stream.

I also saw three vireo species: Blue-headed, Red-eyed, and Yellow-throated. Here are a couple of shots of the Yellow-throated Vireo.

Other migrants in the park included Wood Thrush, Brown Thrasher, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Indigo Bunting, and Baltimore Oriole.
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