After work on March 10, I stopped by Lake Bloomington to see what waterfowl or gulls were in the open water by Davis Lodge.
The light was perfect for photography, and the trees provided cover for me so that I could get fairly close without spooking the ducks. I drove around to the edge of the lake on the little road that runs into a boat launch. The first birds I noticed when I arrived were Redheads and Lesser Scaup. I focused first on the Redheads.

One of the Redheads was chasing one of the Lesser Scaups, which had a fish. Notice also the female Ring-necked Duck in the left corner of the next photo and the female Lesser Scaup following the Redhead in the second photo. The male Lesser Scaup seemed to be having a hard time swallowing the fish.

The Redhead managed to steal the fish from him, and then it was the Lesser Scaup chasing the Redhead.

Meanwhile, a female scaup tailed another male scaup with a fish.

Suddenly, I noticed this beautiful male Canvasback swimming close to the shore.

And I noticed this female Canvasback and saw her catch a fish.

This female Redhead also caught a fish.

Here are a few more shots of Redheads and Lesser Scaups.

There were about 10 Greater White-fronted Geese standing on the edge of the ice behind all of these ducks that were swimming around. I photographed a few of them.

I drove back toward a larger area of open water to the South, adjoining the section of the lake I was viewing. There were many more ducks in this area though they were further away from the shore; however, I still managed to photograph a male Greater Scaup and a pair of Hooded Mergansers.

I came back a few nights later after work on March 13, but the light was bad. I did, however, get a decent photo of a pair of Ring-necked Ducks.

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