On Tuesday evening, Les Allen saw an American Bittern at Angler's Pond. The bird was still present early Wednesday evening. As I walked beside the South pond, it was on the shore next to the trail. I did not see it until it flushed and seemed to fly out of the park, but when I returned after covering the rest of the park, it was back on the other side of the pond, standing motionless. It stood there until some walkers flushed it. It seemed not to go as far this time. Thanks, Les for a new county bird!
Other birds present included a calling female Wood Duck and a pair of Blue-winged Teals.
On April 9, Les and I both saw a Great Egret at Angler's
Other birds I saw that day included this American Robin and male Wood Duck.
For some reason that day, I felt like I was being watched.
Last week I had my first of the year Palm Warbler at Angler's, but earlier this evening, there were no songbirds at Angler's. This might have been in part due to the heat and humidity, and it might have had something to do with the Sharp-shinned Hawk I saw chasing another bird.
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