This morning, I birded Ewing Park before work. I added Blue-gray Gnatcatcher to my year list and enjoyed the music of the White-throated Sparrow choir accompanied by three Eastern Towhees. There must have been over 30 White-throated Sparrows in the woods. As I came out of Hedge Apple Woods, I saw a Broad-winged Hawk flying toward me. It turned and flew across the football field, across the stream and up the hill. It seemed so be inviting me to follow. When I finally made it across the stream and up the hill, I saw what first appeared to be a strange molting male Indigo Bunting. He flew into the little tree by the bluebird box. The female Eastern Bluebird must have thought he was handsome because she flew into the tree with him. I can understand how she might have been confused by his appearance. He was a blue bird with a ruddy brown breast. As I approached, he flew to the ground and perched on the tall grass. I worked my way around the bushes so that I could get close without flushing him. When I saw the color of his wings, his big head and bulky bill, I started to think I was looking at strange molting male Blue Grosbeak rather than a strange molting male Indigo Bunting. When I got back to the car, I looked in my field guide, which confirmed my impression--a first spring, male Blue Grosbeak. Before I left, I saw Angelo Capparella, who came to the same conclusion when he viewed my photos.

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