Every year a pair of Mallards returns to our neighborhood to nest, and while they are around, they enjoy eating the bird seed off of the ground beneath our feeders.
On the morning we switched the clocks over for Daylight Savings Time, which was on March 13, 2011, Mr. & Mrs. Mallard had unexpected guests at their table. It would have been 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday, and we would have still been asleep if it were not for Daylight Savings Time. Carrie was up ahead of me at 7:00 a.m., and she woke me up to tell me about the strange looking ducks that had landed in our yard. When I saw them, I was ecstatic to see my first of the year Northern Shovelers in McLean County, IL. However, the Mallards were also there for their usual morning meal, and they did not seem prepared for company, nor did they seem as happy with their unexpected guests as were Carrie and I.
Mrs. Shoveler complained to her husband, Mr. Shoveler, when their hosts were not hospitable. "I told you to make reservations," she said. The she turned and gave him the cold shoulder.
When Mr. & Mrs. Shoveler approached the table, Mrs. Mallard attacked and chased them away. "Next time, call ahead," she said. "We don't have enough food for guests this morning." The Shovelers flushed, and we never saw them again, but perhaps they will stop by for breakfast again this year. I will try to make sure there is enough bird seed on the ground to go around.
Written and published on March 11, 2012
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