This morning on my way to work, I saw a Peregrine Falcon in Gridley just South of 24 on Ford St., extending South from the Gridley/Flanagan Blacktop. He nearly flew over my car, and I was able to get a couple of pictures when he perched on the power line, and one as he flew away. There were still the usual Horned Larks and an American Tree Sparrow along this little stretch of road.

I continued on my way and saw this female Rough-legged Hawk (light-morph) land on the top of a very tall tree just North of 1000 Rd. along the blacktop (300 E Rd.). Later in the day, I saw the same Hawk on top of a telephone pole on 1000 Rd.

I also saw two American Kestrels and 47 Ring-necked Pheasants in this area today. Most of the Pheasants were along 1100 Rd. between 300 and 400 Rd., but I would not recommend driving down this road right now unless you have 4WD.
All in all adding two lifers, made it a nice drive to work.
/Users/anne/Desktop/Calliope Hummingbird.webarchive
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to send this link to you-I don't have your email-but this is the correct spelling for the calliope hummingbird that I told you about :)